Project Theory and Development:
Today – in real time – that is September 23, 2020 there was a piece on NPR about a new movie – The Secrets We Keep – staring Naomi Rapace. In the interview, she gives a brief plot synopsis that mentions that the plot revolves around her character hearing a specific whistle – one that she instantly recognizes from her past. This is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking about when structuring this project – the calls of the community member – that you could know them without seeing them – that the calls are personal and unique.
Technical Stuff:
On this day, I decided to switch microphones from the AT2035 Large Condenser to the AT825 which is a Stereo Mic more suited to field recordings. The results were much better – better rejection of the in-house sound and better pickup of the community. Also, the crowd was much more active

All NYC Data on this day from WolframAlpha:
Weather on this day from WeatherUnderground
6:51 PM | 66 F | 20 F | 17 % | W | 16 mph | 25 mph | 29.69 in | 0.0 in | Mostly Cloudy |
7:51 PM | 64 F | 21 F | 19 % | SW | 14 mph | 23 mph | 29.71 in | 0.0 in | Partly Cloudy |
The News of the day from one of the local New York City papers